The Little Things

          Lately, I've been realizing that I need to start appreciating the small things more. Life gets crazy busy and often we're wrapped up in our jobs, in school, in all the worries and concerns of life. The weekend is our time to take a break, forget about life, and help us realize once again how we enjoy the time we spend together.
         Yesterday, Jamal and I decided to do the laundry. I put in 2 loads while he was out running some errands. When he came home, he switched the loads from the washer to the dryer and then put in the final load. As we were folding laundry last night, I realized that an undershirt of mine had been put in the dryer. I was upset because they always shrink and now it was going to be small. I expressed my frustration to Jamal who told me that it'd still fit. I didn't believe him. He said, "Here, babe, let me try it." He then proceeded to put on the undershirt and prance around our bedroom. I couldn't help but burst out laughing at my silly husband. I realized that sometimes a good laugh is all it takes to smooth out an annoying situation. My husband is always good at that. Honestly, that was one of the qualities I was looking for and was so glad I found. I stress too much with small things and Jamal is always good at making me laugh and forget it.
        Today after church, Jamal and I didn't have anything to do. This is a rare occurrence because Jamal usually has meetings to attend to or things he needs to do. We went home and decided to skype my family. It was so good to see them and laugh with them at all the funny things that are happening in both of our lives.  After skyping, we did one more thing we love to do. We went to Nielson's Grove, which is a park near our house. It's very beautiful, and dedicated to one of the first settlers from the LDS church who came into the Utah Valley. It was actually one of the first dates Jamal and I went on. We bought hot chocolate on a cold winter night, and then walked around the park and feed the ducks. We have made it a tradition to go back every couple of months to walk around and feed the ducks. I have a knack for getting ducks to eat right out of my hand. They must be super hungry, because they'll come right up and grab the bread from me. When we came last winter, there was a fence around the pond and the ducks flew up over the fence to stand next to us and get the food.
     I really enjoy feeding ducks. As we walked, Jamal and I talked about all the things we did when we were dating. We went on long drives listening to Christmas music, went to look out points in Provo and Salt Lake, went iceskating at the Gallivan Center, got hot chocolate and walked around Barnes and Nobles, and many other things. We realized we need to do those things again. They were simple, but we loved them and it brought us closer together.


  1. So sweet! Little things never seem to really bother Ben either! Maybe it is just a girl thing :)! Or maybe you and I were just lucky to get such great husbands!

    We just went out on a date last Friday (a very rare happening that we are trying to change) and sat at a small shop and enjoyed hot chocolate and a sweet treat. Very simple but it reminded me how important it is to get out just the two of us!

    1. Sounds like fun! I love getting hot chocolate. I think sweating the small stuff is a girl thing. Thanks for always commenting on my posts. I enjoy reading your comments.


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