Maybe It's For Me

As most of you know, I have been serving in Young Womens for the past couple of months. It's been fun but an adjustment too. I have fond memories of YW and I loved my leaders and the other youth. We became close and spent a lot of time together. Even after coming to college, one of my YW leaders moved to Orem and would pick all of us YW up that were attending BYU to go to her house for dinner and desserts. We even babysat for her a couple of times. It was fun and I was sad to see her move away. ready to leave for girls camp/youth conference one summer Experiencing YW from the leader point of view has been way different. There are very few youth in the ward. There are only about 10 YW total and not all of them come. I am in charge of beehives and we recently just had a new girl turn 12 so there are now 3 girls. I've had a hard time adjusting to it all. Maybe it was because in my mind I imagined coming in, being introduced to all the ...